Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance is the process of following state, federal, and institutional laws or regulations relevant to research conducted with human subjects, animal models, and biohazards. Ponce Research Institute is doing so with integrity and in a safe, compliant, and ethical manner. Our institute counts with the following resources for investigators to comply with laws and regulations:

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees and assesses research involving human subjects to safeguard their rights and well-being. Human subjects are individuals from whom data is collected through interaction, intervention, or identifiable private information. The IRB reviews research protocols, materials, and informed consent documents to guarantee adequate protection for human participants in the research process.
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Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)

The IACUC oversees the Animal Care and Use Program, ensuring humane treatment, compliance with regulations, and adaptability. It reviews protocols, veterinary care, and emergency plans, provides guidance on animal housing and management, evaluates personnel qualifications, and conducts regular program and facility reviews.
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Institutional Biosafety Committee

The PHSU Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) oversights for the implementation of safe practices in research, concerning the use of biological material that might represent a hazard for those handling it during research projects. The use of potentially hazardous biological materials in research is highly regulated by the federal agencies, the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Hazardous biological materials are those with the capacity to expose people to get in contact with infectious organisms, toxins, and recombinant nucleic acids, that may cause disease or an adverse effect to their health.

The IBC evaluates all the proposed projects where potential biological hazards are present, to guarantee the identification of the hazardous material and who may be at risk of exposure. They review the safety protocols designed to prevent exposure and the equipment available for protection. By evaluating the research protocols, the committee also ensures that all research projects at PHSU are in compliance with the institutional policies about Biosafety courses, Bloodborne Pathogens courses, protocols for Post-exposure Prophylaxis and HBV vaccination.